September 16, 2006

2 year blog anniversary

I almost didn't notice. Sept 8th 2004 I made my first blog entry. Wow I've been knitting for 4.5 years. Started after the holidays in 2002. Time sure does fly. I've been so good. Lately there have been no new projects started. Just work on some old ones. No new photos but these are the projects I've been working on.


Entrelac scarf:

Vortex Street pullover (Knitting Nature):

And I am finally doing a little walking on my mangled ankle (3 weeks on crutches is so not fun). I think I'll be ok by the wedding (2 weeks from today) and really hope I'm ok before we leave for Italy (Oct 4th). It'll just kill me if we can't do the things we're planning to do on our honeymoon because I was careless and fell down 3 steps. I'm really frustrated with being hurt. But I'm trying to be positive and not all pissed off like I want to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated blogiversay!

I really like the color you're using on Picovoli and the scarf looks wonderful. I never would have thought of doing one in white.