July 12, 2006

knitting blah

For the last few months or so I've been in kind of a knitting slump... not that into anything I'm making. And really not that interested in knitting in general. This hasn't happened to me in the 3 years I've been knitting. So I just kinda knit as I felt like it (which hasn't been that much). Then on Saturday I started Picovoli and have been so obsessed with making it. Not sure why this pattern has grabbed me (just stockinette stitch in the round with some shaping). But I'm so into it. I'm using some Webs Valley Yarn that I got at stitches in February. It's called Longmeadow (I got olive). So I'm both stash busting and making a really cute top (that is knitting up pretty fast). The yarn is nice to knit with as well. So lets see if I can keep my interest until this project is done. (started July 8th... finished... hopefully this month). I'm just getting to the chest area. So the shoulders are done. I'll get a photo added tonight. I just realized that this shirt will cost about $20 to make as well... I love this project :)



Kaitie Tee said...

I'm so glad you're using this Webs' yarn. I've been curious about using it myself. How does it seem so far?

Anonymous said...

It's so great to hear that Picovoli brought back your love for knitting - it's such a beautiful and quick project, and you're doing so fine with it! I love the yarn you're using by the way!

shanwen said...

That's pretty ! keep your knitting mojo up, and before long, the Picovoli will be done. Gonna make one for myself soon in summer :)

Come roll with me said...

Yes, that's always nice to know. :D

By the way, the purple and green cables in the previous posts are really lovely. The moment I saw it, I had the biggest urge to do some myself!